Holiday Fire Disasters

Holiday Fire Disasters: What’s Covered and Not Covered by Your Insurance Policy

Protecting Your Home from Holiday Fire Disasters The holiday season, while a time of joy, can also bring increased risks of fire and smoke damage to your home. Understanding your homeowners insurance coverage for the types of holiday fire disasters is crucial. Common Holiday Fire Hazards Covered by Insurance Homeowners insurance typically covers various fire-related incidents during the holidays. These …

Winter Season Fire Safety

Stay Safe with This Winter Season Fire Safety Tips

The Law Eagles is committed to fire safety and prevention, especially during the winter months. Negligence in winter months can roll into spring and summer where fire are much more prevalent. This article offers essential winter season fire safety tips to protect your home and loved ones from fire hazards during the cold months. This Winter Season Fire Safety: Essential …

Holiday Decoration Fire Safety

Holiday Decoration Fire Safety: Preventative Tips

Best Practice: Holiday Decoration Fire Safety The festive season brings joy and warmth to our homes, but it also brings an increased risk of fire. As a fire damage attorney, We’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact of fires during the holiday season, often triggered by unsafe practices in home decorating. In this article, we’ll explore holiday decoration fire safety tips …